Annual teu throughput at Shanghai exceeds 50 million

Annual throughput at the Shanghai Port complex reached 50 million teu for the first time on December 22, reports Maritime Executive magazine.

With a comprehensive portfolio of international freight forwarding services through most of China’s main gateways, U-Freight notes that the article also said the port achieved this landmark as it maintains its position as the world’s busiest container port for the 15th consecutive year.

Maritime Executive said that container operations at the port began in 1978 when it handled just 7,951 teu. The port reached one million teu in 1994 and has continued its rapid expansion. Throughput exceeded 10 million teu in 2003 and has continued its sequential growth.

The article added that the 40 million mark was reached in 2017 and last year the port handled 49.16 million teu.

Port officials point to the broad network and development of infrastructure as contributing to the continued growth.

Automation is a key part of the port’s ability to handle the massive volume of containers and it highlights the use of fully automated unmanned guided vehicles.

You can find more information about the U-Freight Group’s international freight and logistics services for the Chinese market by visiting the relevant pages on this website, or speaking to your usual contact in our company.

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