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EU and China strengthen Customs Cooperation

In June, following the 11th high-level meeting of the EU-China Joint Customs Cooperation Committee (JCCC) in Shanghai, the EU and China reaffirmed their commitment to actively reinforce the effectiveness of customs controls and enhance fair and legitimate trade between the two trading blocks.

That is good news for the U-Freight Group as we have a large portfolio of multimodal freight and logistics services between the two trading blocks; which include multiple customs brokerage operations that you can read more about here:

Furthermore, with our strong presence in the e-commerce logistics sector, we note that the European Commission also recently completed an external study and an evaluation of the EU-China customs cooperation, which, in view of recent trends and challenges, led to the EU and China agreeing to establish a new Working Group on cross-border e-commerce.

The EU and China also asserted their commitment to actively strengthen their long-term customs cooperation. To this end, they agreed to engage in a review process that should improve and reach even better results. This process could lead to a renewed EU-China Customs Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance (CCMAA) Agreement.

For more information about UFL's Customs brokerage services, please visit the relevant pages of this website, or contact your local office, which can be seen here: