Tiaca predicts air cargo growth in 2025 but warns of elevating risks

An excellent article on the Air Cargo News website suggests that air cargo association Tiaca is expecting air cargo demand to grow by 5% in 2025, but has warned of an “elevating risk” to its growth expectations.

This makes interesting reading for the U-Freight Group, with our strong presence in the expedited international airfreight business.

Air Cargo News reports that during a webinar, Tiaca director general Glyn Hughes said that the growth projection was based on economic stability being at its highest level for several years.

However, it won’t all be plain sailing for air cargo in 2025. Hughes said that there was a “mild level of risk” to its growth projection “but it is starting to elevate”.

He said that because of political and policy changes, there is an elevated risk attached to expectations of growth in e-commerce.

Tiaca also highlighted another risk to air cargo growth is a potential modal shift back to ocean transport if containerships switch back to the Red Sea and Suez Canal from the longer route around Africa.

Hughes said there was still a lot of risk attached to switching vessels back from the Cape of Good Hope to the Suez Canal.

The Air Cargo News article can be read in full here: https://www.aircargonews.net/supply-chains/tiaca-predicts-air-cargo-growth-in-2025-but-warns-of-elevating-risks/1079740.article?CMID=E6284E387-CMP88CON88-RCP2I1184O31&utm_campaign=ACN-THURSDAY-270225-JM&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Email&utm_content=Newsletter

For more information about the U-Freight Group’s global air freight forwarding and logistics services, or our e-commerce logistics operations, please visit the relevant pages of this website or contact your local office, details of which can be seen here: https://ufreight.com/locations

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